Monday, May 31, 2010

What Are The Chances

Not as outgoing here in Rome as I should be, I usually don’t feel comfortable speaking to people unless I hear them talking in English first. So, when I’m on the bus and the guy next to me is reading an Introduction to Yoga book, I think, “Callie, this is your chance to communicate!” I take the opportunity. “You’re into yoga, huh?” (What a line, I know. I’m creative.) We start chatting and he says he just finished studying abroad and I ask him where he goes to school. Stony Brook University. Hm. What are the odds? Taylor ends up joining me on my way to meet Alessandro at a photography exhibit of portraits at the American Academy of Art. We had lunch together the next day, walked around the Tiber Island, and he came out with us for drinks later that evening.
My Point: Talking to Strangers>Keeping to Yourself

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