Wednesday, May 19, 2010

An Italian Orgasm

Okay, I haven't experienced a REAL Italian orgasm. But my mouth sure has!
This is what we call a Granita. Move over Starbucks and Dunkin Donut's! Because NOTHING you have can compare to this little baby. A coffee granita is a specialty in Roma Caffes. They are made by freezing expresso, then shaving off the ice into chunks and refreezing it. It can also come in flavors such as Lemon, Strawberry, Orange. At what is said to be the best coffee near the Pantheon: Sant Eustachio, how could I choose anything else? Eaten with a spoon, both the flavor and the consistency is thick. Whipped cream, light and not too sweet, at the top AND the bottom for a delectible finish. Too small in my opinion but worth paying for another one. I will never be able to enjoy a frappuccino from Starbucks ever again after knowing this exists in the world.Even though they can get around the corner back home, erveryone comes to Rome wanting the same thing: Pizza! But certainly don't expect anything that is at your local pizza place! Basic "plain" pizza is called "Pizza Margherita" consisting of tomato sauce and mozzarella. The most interesting pizza is what is labeled in most pizzerias as the "house" pizza: a pizza margherita topped with olives, a hunk of salami or other similar meat, olives, mushrooms, artichokes and yes, that's a hard boiled egg on there. Sometimes the egg is even cooked INTO the pizza and melts with the cheese. Sounds disgusting? NO! Pizza and eggs should always go together. My go-to has become "Quatro Formaggi" (Even though Italian cheese is so delicious, I wouldn't mind adding another one in there.) The pizza comes in one personal size. No one shares these and you never feel too full afterwards. The crust is always thin and you know your pizza is homemade because the circular shape is anything but perfect. The flavor undeniably is, though. It's got character!
Beware: I HAVE had BAD pizza. Stay away from chain pizzerias and anywhere that let's you take the pizza to-go. If you want to eat pizza where you live, you should make it yourself!Thursday night is "Gnocchi Night" here in Rome. If you've never had gnocchi, TRY IT. Or wait till you visit Roma. It is unlike any pasta dish I've tried before. (Note: The "G" is silent NEO-KEY) Tiny potato dumplings served as an entree with a sauce that can come with any pasta. Always cheese added. It is easy to tell the good gnocchi from the bad because of the texture. The potato inside the noodle can become too chewy and stick to the roof of you're mouth, making it unpleasant. Like I said, should only be enjoyed on Thursdays!Each day in "La Dolce Vita" always should begin in the morning with a cappucino or expresso and one of these. This is NOT your average breakfast pastry. This "pasta" is called, "Frutos Secos." A variety of lightly candied nuts a top a tart shell filled with a mixed fruit marmalade. The whole nut family is in there! Walnuts, pistacchio, hazelnuts, chestnuts, almonds. Seeds, such as pumpkin, sunflower, and even sesame, are sometimes added. The crunch of the nuts contracts with the smooth tart flavored filling, which I promise you is not lacking of. It's too big to hold in your hand and take bites of so a pee wee spoon is necessary. And despite the hefty amount of sugar in this breakfast badboy, it is rich in proteins and omega 3's because of the nuts, giving you enough energy in the morning to thoroughly enjoy that trip to the museum that is conveniently right next door!


  1. Great food review, Callie... I don't know about the egg on the pizza, but actually the cover of American Pie--our pizza bible, features eggs on a pie, a Roman thing? Will have to try it!

    The coffee granita, though I am not a coffee lover, looks very interesting... Perhaps a business idea, move over Starbucks!

    Moving on from our favorite topic, food, I would love to see more on Roman fashion on this blog. What's the latest? Takes us shopping, please! That should be quite interesting. (I love shoes and handbags!)

    Looking forward to the next post!
    Au revoir, I mean arrivederci! :)
