Saturday, May 8, 2010

My Foreign Excursion

So I’m sure you are wondering:

“Callie, what are you REALLY doing in Rome?”

To be honest, I ask myself that question out loud every day. The answer to that question varies often but let me break it down into simple facts.

Current Events in La Dolce Vita de Callie Brennan:
1. I’m living in an apartment (that currently has no internet, hence the lack of communication).
2. I see amazing art every day (whether I set out to or not).
3. I’m eating enormous amounts of foods and gelato ( aka packin’ on the pounds and happily).
4. I wander the city during the day (physically AND mentally).
5. I’m interning with a photographer a couple times a week (taking pictures every day).

Rome has become my playground, my world to explore. Honestly, it’s kind of like living in heaven. Every day is different and has its highs and lows but daily discoveries, both big and small, are what I love the most about this city. I’m getting to know a city. Rome and I are at the beginning of a relationship, who knows how long it will last or what it will mean in the end. You never think about the end of a relationship when it’s starting. It’s like that quote from Hope Floats: “Beginnings are scary, endings are usually sad, but it's the middle that counts the most. Try to remember that when you find yourself at a new beginning. Just give hope a chance to float up. And it will...”

There are a ton of things I have to say and, if you know me at all, you know that I have already taken over a 1000 photos. Stay tuned.

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