Friday, May 7, 2010

Round One

22 Things A 22 Year Old Loves about Italy: Round One
1. Taking pictures of every pizza that I eat.

2. Going to trivia night at an Irish Pub with a team of a Syrian, a Bulgarian, and a British guy. This was our score for most of the categories except for the near 10/10 we received on the Picture category of “Celebrites without their makeup” and also for the Disney category. (Riddle me this: Who was the only Disney main character to never utter a word?”)

3. Realizing that no amount of good wine will change the fact that I like beer better.

4. Finding that, although I am right smack in the middle of a crazy city, there are still places like this.

5. Recognizing countless things from my art history classes from New Paltz.

6. Relating to goofy store advertisements.

7. Feeling sentimental towards the Bench when seeing these. (Cutting lemons was my favorite activity!)

8. Thinking about how much my back hurts and then seeing this sign.

9. Statues with angry faces.

10. Playing with ancient art.

11. This life size advertisement that is present in every single grocery store.

12. Promiscuous Italian schoolgirls who, while riding the extremely crowded bus, think it’s okay to both make out with their boyfriends and pole dance. (I WISH I had a picture for this one)
13. Seeing this and thinking about how my “Nacho Muscles” (that I acquired while carrying plates day after day as a waitress) are turning into fat.

14. Seeing friends from home.

15. New friendly faces.

16. Being “classy” and American at the same time with a cheese plate and French fries as appetizers.

17. Being 110% delusional while wearing the same sweater for 4 days in a row and not caring what I look like because I’m eating this:

18. Free wine tasting from Italian men who know for a FACT that we will not be purchasing any bottles of wine.

19. Looking like a tourist.

20. Feeling like a celebrity where Mr. George Clooney has a house.

21. The fountains!

22. Emails from people back home who assure me that by doing “il bel far niente” (the beauty of doing nothing) I’m doing the right thing….or the right “nothing”.


  1. Callie, I am so impressed with your blog. You write and attached such vivid pictures about your journey, I don't know if you realize the talents that you have. Love, Your Dad

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Love, Love, Love this one! I almost have to share it! :))

  4. I would like to demand more updates please! k thanks, love you!

  5. Agreed with Daddy Brennan!

    The nothing you are doing is exactly right, and it's everything. Love you.
