Monday, May 24, 2010

Non Lo So Fashion?

I would be perfectly happy wearing the same clothes everyday for the rest of my life. A pair of jeans and a black t-shirt. Yes, an occasional wash but my point here is that I will NOT pretend to have any knowledge of fashion.

When people look at me funny here in Rome, which may or may not happen every time that I leave my apartment, they usually start by looking at my feet. Flipflops are NOT okay in Rome, people. Despite cobblestones, heels are worn. Italians are short, so maybe the extra height is necessary. Walking the streets, you can easily pick out the Italian women from the rest. I've heard it being said that Italian women have 3 perfect outfits that they wash and rewear. Not a bad idea! If you know something looks good, why not wear it again and again? Black is the color to wear. Slick and sexy. Sometimes gray or white. No matter how hot it is (and it's been getting pretty steamy the last few days!) the bulk of Italians I see seem to always be covered: long sleeves and pants. I stand there sweating in my sundress wondering how they are managing to survive. Maybe Italians are cold blooded? Most important, if you don't have a leather jacket, you're not Italian in my eyes.
Someone told me that Italians always dress fashionable because they never know what opportunities await them when they leave their place, invitations could be around any corner!

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