Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Truffle Shuffle!

I just ate the most delicious thing of my life and I don't even know what it is called. I think the equivalent would be having a one night stand, the best sex of your life and not even knowing their name as they slip out the door. I'm kind of confused and wondering, "Did that really just happen or did I dream it?" My uncontrollable Sweet Tooth led me to Dagnino in Republica piazza near the bus station to sample some Sicilian pastries. I walked in and heard angels singing, like walking through the gates of heaven. Chocolates, gelato, pastries gallore, shiny cases reflecting sugary treats, all of which calling me by name. The woman behind the case spoke broken English while I spoke broken Italian. With endless possibilities to what I could try, I asked her opinion on what she thought was the best. Cannoli. I choose the standard "Cannoli siciliani" but they also had shells filled with pistacchio and chocolate.This chocolate cake looking ball also looked nice so I asked for one of those too. They wrapped it up on a golden tray and put a ribbon around it. I walked back and sat on the grass in the park the block over from my apartment. It was hot outside so I quickly unwrapped my sweet treats. The cannoli was okay, nothing special...It was essentially like any other cannoli I've ever had. BUT. THEN. I took a bite from the slightly melted "thing". Warmed by the sun, it was moist and the layer of chocolate ganache on the outside was getting all over my fingers and around my mouth. Thank God I had tissues to use as napkins. This was definitely supposed to be eaten with a fork, not finger food but sitting in the middle of the park, I had no other option. I tried putting it down at one point but it was simply too good to pause between bites (except of course to snap a photo). It was rich, definitely flavored with some kind of liqueur but not too much (like when you eat those chocolates with the liquor in the center and you make a funny face when you taste the strong alcohol, pretending like it tastes good but it really doesn't). I can only imagine what I looked like scarfing this down. (I'm aware that the photo I took doesn't exactly make it look like the most appetizing thing but TRUST ME....it was.)After some serious googling I found. Tartufo=Truffle.

That night I did something purely insane. I cooked dinner. For about the 3rd time since I've been here. I made a linguini alfredo primavera and it wasn't half bad. The garlic bread on the other hand. Let's just say that my hands still smell. I need to work on my garlic bread making skills.For dessert, Hasan and I journeyed to the center of Piazza Navona to Tre Scalini and according to my travel guide and other travel sources, had their own tartufo filled with gelato, which was famous. Hasan ordered the Tiramisu, which I swore I would never order again. Ends up, Hasan made the right decision. The tartufo was NOTHING like the one I had earlier and SO disappointing in every way. Bad chocolate gelato enclosed in the most flavorless chocolate shell with whipped cream on top that had no sugar and no taste. The only pleasant thing about it was that it had a cherry surprise in the center. The tiramisu was "real nice". I sampled it and it was way "nicer" than any other I had ever tried. Not too moist, good consistancy and coffee flavor. Hasan 1, Callie 0 for good menu decisions.I would say that most of my days consist of TOO MUCH SUGAR. I wonder when the phrase "You only live once?" stops applying?

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