Tuesday, June 1, 2010

H2O in Rome

The first time I saw someone drinking out of what appeared to be a dirty hose from a sewer on the street, little did I know that it was, in fact, fresh cold water! Rome, famous for its ancient aqueducts, still has clean and drinkable water that flows constantly from the underground springs to these wonderful water fountains on the streets. In order to drink from the fountain, you must plug your finger in the bottom where the water rushes out, and it shoots up through a smaller hole at the top. When you have somewhat smaller fingers, this is a difficult task!Note: There is no elegant or charming way to do this. Or at least for me there isn't.I won't lie. It is a fact that I am too dehydrated here. Especially now that the weather is getting hotter, all I crave is a nice cold gelato or a chilled beer. But sometimes all you need is some good old H2O!

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