Monday, May 24, 2010

Sunday Shopping

There's a joke told around Rome. Whatever you get stolen during the week, you can buy back at the markets held every Sunday at Porta Portase.

Anything you have ever dreamed of can be bought here and besides for Church, it is THE place to be on Sundays. You need to eat your Wheaties before embarking on this shopping adventure because you'll certainly need all the energy you can get! Beginning at 7am and finishing up after 2pm, it would take about an hour for you to just simply walk the entire market without stopping to actually look at anything. Meeting up with people here is near impossible because the odds that you'll actually find each other is slim to none. It's all outside in the sun and feels even hotter because you are surrounded by people the whole time. Vendors of all different nationalities yelling out prices and products, maybe not realizing that shoppers don't like to be screamed in their ears. (Note: Try not to think of how many of the things you are buying have been used and stolen, think instead of the bargain!) As you walk along the street, there's music performers, homeless beggers, food carts. Furniture, underwear, electronics, cheese, bags, countless useless things that you don't actually need but purchase anyway because "Hey! It's only a couple euros!" Many of the clothing tables have items just thrown on them and you have to dig deep, searching for the "good stuff".No, I didn't find my Ipod at Porta Portase but I found these fun things instead!

I am convinced that it is only held on Sundays because you need a full week to recover!

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