Monday, June 7, 2010

More People!

Name: Genevieve
Originally From: Nassau, Long Island
Why In Rome: Living here for a month (like me!)
How We Met: A family friend, Robin Numeroff, put her in touch with me. We met up for a meal in Trastevere and have been wandering buddies ever since!
Fun Facts: Just graduated from The Catholic University of America and is en route to law school. Like me, has an Italian style family who have fueled her with a love of eating and togetherness. One of her favorite quotes, by H.P. Lovercraft:
"Insanity doesn't run in my family, it gallops."

Name: German (aka GiGi)
Originally From: Bulgaria
Why In Rome: Studying to get his MBA
How We Met: Teammates for Trivia night at Scholar's Pub (During the "Picture Round" of Celebrity Profiles, we made a bet: he SWORE that one of the photos was David Beckham. He lost. I won a beer.)
Fun Facts: Loves business, beer, and sports. Doesn't understand the concept of a "Sound" as a body of water and would rather go to any bar in the world than Disney World. Dreams of coming to New York and enjoying a diner breakfast of bacon and eggs.

Does this look like David Beckham to you? Nope.

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