Thursday, June 3, 2010

Art of the Future

“Roma. The Road to Contemporary Art.”
Another preview of the new spaces for contemporary art was held at Macro Future where there was an international art fair taking place from May 27-30th. This location was off the beaten track in the southern part of Rome in Testacchio. (Remember: Most tourists only spending a limited time in Rome would prefer to see the more ancient art found in the Capitoline or Vatican Museums.) The area both inside and outside used to be an abandoned slaughterhouse, many of the equipment for which still remained.It was like a giant party of art galleries!

My love for modern art is in its humor. It is hard to look at some of the art within the contemporary galleries and NOT laugh. Do you agree? You don't have to necessary LIKE it, but you can at least appreciate it and try to understand it. To those people who say, "I could have done that!" My response is: You didn't.

Things I Love: An innovative and radical use of materials. Such as...

Bubble Gum!
Toast!Tiny People!Shoelaces!Feathers!Key Chains!

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