Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Parks In Rome

Last weekend: Museums. This weekend: Parks!

Villa Ada
Located at the northeast area of Rome, this is the largest park. Less touristy than the park at Villa Borghese which is easiest to get to and closer to the center. This park was oriented around sports and physical activities. Running, biking, football playing, volleyball, which got me thinking, "Are you crazy!? Do you not feel how HOT it is outside?!" There were several fitness stations set up where young Italian men showed off their muscles by doing pull-ups. Tempted to try the monkey bars, I realized this would only end in injury. (The exercising part of my life is on a hiatus.) Not found at this park: concession stands! There were no places to buy something to cool you off. Villa Ada made me feel lazy and want to get on a bike! Next time, Callie, AT LEAST pack a picnic.
Villa Doria Pamphili
Walking through the grass of these fields, I thought, "I think I might be in Heaven now." Rome's Refuge. With more of a leisure atmosphere, it was quiet and I couldn't believe that somewhere so peaceful could be so close to the craziness of the city. Get a blanket and just lay underneath the shade of one of the giant trees. One section of the park was like a party that I felt I hadn't been invited to! On a Sunday afternoon with everyone off from work, families congregated underneath the trees with drinks and food. Little bambini running all over the place playing! This park made me crave my family more than ever. (The Brennan family could have thrown one mean party in this park!) I did seriously consider simply joining one of the other families because they certainly all seemed friendly enough. Next time, Callie, don't forget to bring a sheet. (Don't think you can get away with just laying on the ground. There are these things that exist called ants.) There was also a yoga festival going on that weekend, with tents set up everywhere and different activities planned. No, I did not participate.

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