Monday, June 7, 2010

Italy Photography

Okay. So while enjoying il bel far niente, I must admit that I am doing something....taking pictures.

My two cameras come with me EVERYWHERE and I am working on a few different series. Here is un poco preview:

Portraits:Food/Drink Photography:Things Around Italy:Candid Gelato Eaters:

My preference in photography is more humor and realism. I often take pictures of things that make me laugh and I would much prefer to take a picture of someone sneezing than a formal posed portrait. One of my favorite days here in Rome so far was the day that I went to Old Bridge, the famous Gelateria near the Vatican, and spent over 3 hours talking to their friendly, international customers and taking 50+ photographs of them in the middle of enjoying their gelato.

What really frustrates me are the things that I can't possibly capture with my camera.

Like the middle aged man on the tram eating suppli. It's midday and dressed in a suit, undeniably on a break from a work. He must be starving because he rips open the white bag holding his lunch. He takes a bite and the melted cheese oozes out and hangs in a string from his mouth down to his chest. He takes another bite and the same thing happens and every succeeding bite, more cheese strings hang. He's clearly not aware because all he cares about is how good that suppli must taste.

Or sitting on the Spanish Steps close to midnight. A group of about 15 teenagers line up in a row on the bottommost step. Girls and guys, tall and short, mixed races. They place an Ipod dock in front of them and music starts playing. "Wake up in the morning feeling like P. Diddy! Grab my glasses, I'm out the door! I'm gonna hit this city!" They break out in synchronized dancing, complete with circles of hip thrusting and arms swinging in the air, to Kesha's "Tick Tock." They are laughing at themselves the whole time and I wonder how many times they actually practiced this. When they are finished, everyone on the giant staircase claps for the free entertainment they just witnessed.

I'll never forget the time I said to Travis, "I wish I could take pictures with my eyes!" and he looked at me like I had just taken some kind of drug. But really, I know my photographs are not the best composition with the best lighting but at least I can say that I took that picture. I captured that moment. If I'm not going to capture that moment, who will?

1 comment:

  1. Hi Callie! This is Becca Neidle... I was reading your blog and this post was really inspiring! I love your photography and point of view of the world around you. I'm studying photography in college and I know exactly what you mean when you say you wish you could take pictures with your eyes. It's so true! I wish I could just blink and capture the moment as I see it.
