Monday, April 19, 2010


Countless times during the weekend before last, I had to grab my chest for fear of my heart beating out of control with happiness. I visited New Paltz for the weekend, where I went to school for four years and graduated last May. I kept saying that I felt like I was in a dream. That the familiar faces I saw where just characters in a book that I had read once. Being back there made me feel alive again. I guess everyone has that special attachment to where they went to college but only if you went to New Paltz do you really understand what I mean. There's something in the air that gets breathed in while you're walking in the sunshine down Main Street with Mohunk mountain in the distance. I was surrounded the weekend with friends that I hadn't seen in months. 2 for 1 Blue Moons and free burgers at Oasis' Happy Hour, waiting for over an hour for great food at places like Main Street Bistro and Rock Da Pasta, laying in Hasbrouck park thinking that life doesn't get much better than this. New Paltz makes my heart happy.

I was thankful for the New Paltz reunion that took place but the initial reason I journeyed to New Paltz was that I am now a published writer! Last year when I was a senior, The Andy Warhol foundation donated 151 photographs to the museum at New Paltz and I was part of a group that researched the photographs. This past weekend was the opening of the gallery exhibit. My writing was published in the exhibition, a real live book. Pretty cool, huh?

This is the specific Andy Warhol photograph that I researched.

Me too, too.

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