Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Four Days in Roma

Let's Play: What did Callie do today?

I realized that, despite being lost for 2 hours in the morning, life isn't so bad when you're eating a panino (NOT paninI) of mozzarella and tomato while sitting next to the Colosseum. (A+ for Roma street food!)

I stolled along the Roman Forum, soaking up the history that once was there.

Saw this guy doing some really awesome street art with chalk.

Went food shopping for the first time to get some "essential" items and got into a fight with the salesclerk who didn't speak English because I did not have smaller bills.

I stumbled upon an Impressionism exhibit and I may or may not have by accidentally passed gas in the middle of a dead quiet museum.

After dying a little inside of embarrassment, I found out that there was a terrace and I fell in love with this view of Rome. It was peaceful and calming to have this different perspective of Rome compared to the hustle and bustle of the tourist filled streets below.

I also found out that my apartment building has a terrace, where I watched the sunset.

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