Thursday, April 8, 2010

A Little Bit of Google Goes a Long Long Way

Several sleepless nights lead me to spend time with my good friend, Google. I'm sure he is a good friend of yours, as well. Reliable, always there when you need him, smart as Hell. Ms. Milicia Nilsen, the person who I have been emailing back and forth about her lovely apartment right in the center of Rome, wasn't quite being specific to the questions I was asking her. So a little after 3am a few days ago, I went to Google for help. I said, "Google...Milicia Nilsen?".....and then I was on a website listing apartment scams. I was almost scammed! Apparently, this Milica Nilsen has scammed people in Istanbul, France, Amersterdam, London and all over the world. The German Doris Miller who was supposedly my German roommate, simply does not exist. Ha!

I shouldn't laugh about Naiive Callie but I can't help but chuckle a little. I SWORE that I was never going to tell anyone about my near-scam but it's all part of the experience, that of which I am sharing with you. Thank GOD I didn't put any money down and I suppose it's telling stories like this that adds to people's fear of me being in Europe for 3 months. If one more person mentions to be the movie "Taken", I might just punch them in the face on the spot. No, I have NOT seen that movie and have no intention of it!

2 weeks. Operation: Find somewhere else to stay.

I'm starting to maybe think that the No-Plan Plan wasn't exactly the smartest plan. Let's face all already knew that though.

I tell my tables at the Bench of my Italy trip and their responses are varied. Most people say "Good for you" and wish me luck. Some say that I am crazy. Yesterday a man at my table told me in parting (after commenting on my bravery along with my GIANT muscles) "Guns and Gonads!"

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