Friday, June 4, 2010


I'd like to give a shout out to my family and friends back home!
Hey Stony Brook! Hey varying parts of the world holding the people that I love! Probably the most difficult part of this voyage is not being able to first hand share it with you. When I am out in the city, I always think I see people from home. Catching a glimpse of someone walking down the street having similar features of someone I know, and I understand that there's NO possible way it could be them but that corner of my mind still hopes. I wish that I could give you a lick of my gelato or a bite of my pizza, sit with you on the bus for my daily tour of the city and have you here with me in this crazy place where your senses utterly takeover. Wandering is wonderful but it's nice to know that one day I will be wandering right back to you.

And so I try my best to share my experience. Check out my article on Living in Rome for the Times Beacon Record!


  1. Love the article, Callie! Congratulations on being published!

  2. Callie, so proud of you to see you in THE TIMES BEACON!!!! Uncle Robert was the first one to see it and eagerly shared with me. Seeing your word in the newspaper took on a different meaning for me....IT'S out there your wonderful blog:) Sooooo tremendously happy for you......keep it going.

    Aunt Claire

  3. Hi Callie, I was so excited to see your article in THE TIMES!! Yes I went to your blog to catch up on all your the way you write..makes me want to get on a plane and go to are so lucky to have this experience....enjoy every moment and keep on writing so we can travel with you daughter is heading to Italy for a week in July and I hope she experiences some of the wonders you have..especially the gelato and pizza!!!!

  4. Thanks! :)

    Keep coming back for more photos and random Rome information!

    Janet, It's great to hear from you! Give your daughter my contact information. Maybe we can get together or I can lead her to the most delicious gelaterias!
