Monday, March 22, 2010

One Month From Today

In the first book of the Harry Potter series, he finds a mirror called "The Mirror of Erised." For those of you Harry Potter nerds, you know exactly what mirror I am talking about but I'll explain for the rest of you. This magic mirror shows your heart's desire (Erised backwards is Desire). For example, for Harry it shows him standing with his deceased parents and a crowd of relatives. His best friend Ron looks into the mirror and sees himself as Head Boy of the school and captain of the Quidditch team. The mirror reflects what you truly want. Ask yourself, what would YOU see if YOU looked into the Mirror of Erised? Just do it...what is it that you REALLY want? If I could somehow be transported into the wonderful world of Harry Potter (minus the funny British accents) and looked into the Mirror of Erised, I would see myself traveling.

As an Art History major in college, I always wanted to study abroad for several months but used not having the money as an excuse. Although I have now received my Bachelor's degree, I have planned my own "Study Abroad" program. On October 27th, 2009, I turned 22. While working in a small candy shop with my heart racing and the sounds of Hall & Oats, "You Make My Dreams Come True!" playing, I booked a flight to Rome, Italy. (Originally it was planned for 4 and a half months but I had to pay a large fee to change my flight to 3 months because the angry old, Italian woman at the Italian Consulate told me that I, in fact, will "GO TO JAIL" if I stay there for longer than 90 days.) So for 3 months I will be on an Italian adventure in the Eternal City, living "la dolce vita" with the Romans who share my zest for the "celebratory life." My heart is craving to experience the beauty that Rome has to offer.

I received a Graduation card from a close family friend that read, "Arrange your life the way you think it looks right and forgive those who disagree." It is a quote that I think about often and I may or may not have made it into a sign that hangs on the mirror in my bedroom. My family doesn't quite understand why I am doing this. They think I am trying to run away and my father's response to my yearning to travel, "But Callie...there are museums in New York City..." I'm often told that I need to "grow up" and although spending 3 months in a foreign country may not be the most responsible thing, I know that it is something that I need to do before I can continue the rest of whatever life has in store for me.

No, I don't know Italian.
No, I don't have any contacts in Rome.
I DO have an apartment set up in the center of the city for a month that I will be my home base.
I DO have an open heart and an open mind.

If you know me at all, you are aware that my favorite quote is from J.R. Tolkein's Lord of the Rings:
"All that is gold does not glitter, not all those who wander are lost."

...and that is precisely what I plan to do: Wander.

1 comment:

  1. Hey Cal, I really liked reading this. You articulate yourself so well on here, maybe if everyone read this they'd have a better understanding. Keep writing even while you're away! You have a gift!
